Discovery learning

Environment (indoor and outdoor exploration)

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Environment plays an important role when it comes to discovery learning. It is a method of instruction through which students interact with their environment by exploring and manipulating objects. In Polaris Preschool, we have created an enabling environment that will enable the optimization of discovery learning. For instance, Polaris Preschool is well-equipped with indoor areas that are filled with opportunity for our children to explore. We have a reading bay stuffed with books in different language where children can read in comfortable swing bag. All classrooms are also equipped with learning corners. There is also a 2 metres tall indoor playground to keep the children occupied when it is not the best weather to be outdoor. Our gardens are filled with 30 species of plant that are ready to be explored by our little explorers. We surely would not be able to list out everything here, but we would like you to explore what we have here at Polaris Preschool.


[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Discovery learning is a constructivism based approach to education in which children will construct their own knowledge by exploring it themselves instead being told what it is and how it is done. Under constructivism, learning is viewed as an active process where learners learn to discover principles, concepts, and facts by themselves. Teachers will be playing the role of a facilitators during the process of learning. According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development (ZPD) is between what the children can do without help, and what the children cannot do. That area in between is what the children can do with the guidance of someone skilled. The teachers will then guide the children through the process of scaffolding.

Enhance problem solving skills

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Discovery learning takes place problem solving situations where children draw on their own experience and prior knowledge. When the children are challenged by any kind of challenges, they should be the one actively seeking for solutions instead of getting the answers from someone else. In discovery learning, children are always actively involved in their learning process which helps to develop their problem solving skills. When the children are facing challenges, they will be the one brainstorming the solutions, where the teachers will be the facilitators who will be doing more listening than talking during the conversation.