Thematic integrated learning approach

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Thematic integrated learning approach ties all subjects together with an overriding concept. It crosses over subject lines and helps children relate basic academic skills to real world ideas. This approach helps the children to make connections faster and easier during the learning process. Eduwis program pioneered in the thematic integrated learning approach as it has been the first preschool program in Malaysia to use the thematic integrated learning approach. Eduwis has also published books and learning materials that are aligned with the themes.

Integrating 8 different famous educationists’ theories and philosophies

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Eduwis program is built on the basis of integrating 8 different educationists’ theories and philosophies. The 8 educationists are namely Erik Erikson, Friedrich Froebel, Loris Malaguzzi, Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget, Shinichi Suzuki, Lev Vygotsky, and Confucius. Eduwis program combines the best elements in their theories and approaches to build this program. For example, we adopted Vygotsky’s approach on language development and social interactions between children. While for Montessori who was a pioneer in building young children’s living skill, we use her approach in developing children’s self-independency. Through this, Eduwis is able to provide our children a holistic education that focuses on every aspect of a child’s development.

More than 1600 learning activities

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] There is more than 1600 different learning activities well-designed for the children in this program. Every topic that the children learn will be brought out through different learning activities. To quote the father of kindergarten, Friedrich Froebel, “activities and playing are the highest expression of human development in childhood”. Therefore, through this kind of activity based learning, children get to learn in the most meaning ways. Learning activities are also known as structured play, in which children enjoyed doing the most.

Compulsory piano learning

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Every child in Polaris Preschool learns how to play the piano. The piano lessons are carried out in way where they will have an individual session every school day but just in a short period of time. With that, the children gets to learn and practice daily, while the lessons are kept short in their attention span. Learning piano can benefit your child in all ways of their development. Research has found that piano lesson helps young children in their studies and be well-rounded. They will also be given a chance to perform what they have learnt during our annual activities.

Annual activities

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Leading from the previous point, there is a series of annual activities that will be carried out by Polaris Preschool such as storytelling presentation, sports day, field trip. One of the main objectives of having all these activities is to help children to be well-rounded and to bring out every talent that your child has. These activities are non-academic related because we believe that there is more than one metric that judge how your child has improved over time. Get ready to be impressed by the little ones!

Cambridge English

[read_more id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] For 5 and 6 years old children, we have additional Cambridge English Starters program to enhance their speaking, reading, listening and writing skills in English. The Ministry of Education Malaysia has introduced the English Language Roadmap 2015-2025 which uses Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to help define student’s language proficiency levels in English. To be in line with the policy set out by the ministry, Polaris Preschool has additional Cambridge English learning and Starters assessment for children age 6 years. They learn to understand and communicate in English through fun and interactive ways.